Ribbond fiber reinforcement is used at Newport Beach Dental Studio by Dr. Ha for single-visit bridges, periodontal splinting of loose teeth, fiber reinforcement for composite restorations, permanent clear orthodontic retainers, trauma stabilization, and endodontic post & core procedures.
What Is Ribbond?
Ribbond is an incredibly strong dental fiber reinforcement made from the same super tough polyethylene fibers used to make bullet proof vests. It is a derivative of the same proven fiber-laminate-composite technology used to make boat hulls and airplane body components by preventing costly fracture failures.
How can Ribbond be used?

Periodontal splinting to support loose teeth, or teeth with periodontal disease resulting in bone loss and mobile teeth.

Single-visit dental bridge to restore a missing tooth.

Composite resin reinforcement to strengthen teeth and minimizes composite shrinkage that can result in tooth stress and pain.

Permanent (non-metal) lingual retainer to prevent movement or shifting of teeth post orthodontic treatment.

Endodontic post & core to minimize the chance of root fracture and reduce stress points.

Trauma stabilization to increase the chances of saving a recently injured or damaged tooth.